Dragon's Cave
Zmajeva spilja (the Dragon's Cave) is located near village of Murvica, about seven kilometers from Bol. It is called Dragon's Cave because of the relief of dragon in it. It was a temple and dwelling of Glagolitic priests.
Reliefs in this cave are monument to monastic life of Glagolitic friars in the 15th century. Cave is 20 meters long and divided into four halls. In the first hall, there is Chapel of our Lady. Reliefs of Madonna angels, moon, dragon and others were carved into the cliff. Many scientists tried to explain the meaning of them. Most of them say that it contains elements of Slavic mythology as well as Christian iconography.
Spiritual history of people seems to be embalmed here, containing its ancient pagan creed reconciled with Christianity.
Visit to Dragon's Cave is possible only with the guide.
Zmajeva spilja/Dragon's Cave